live streaming funeral in Manchester

Give your family and friends the opportunity to say goodbye. Our videography team will tell the story of your day, capturing it as it unfolds. 

We are available when you need it most

Looking for the most intelligently designed streaming service for the industry? Look no further than 4live. We’ve created a system for streaming funerals and events that will allow you to stream like a pro. Plus, your families and your organization will benefit from the 4live professionally dedicated streaming services. With 4Liveadd to cart options, all your questions about how to provide for families are answered. It’s the easiest and simplest choice for your end-of-life event to choose. Easily adapt your services into the new world of digital with 4Live today.

Offer loved ones the options they need to view services from our dedicated cloud. 4live offers private viewing of services at any time, from anywhere in the world. Now, you can provide client families live-streaming events from church or chapel, for celebrations of life.

With LiveStream, you have options to customize each service for the family. Include keepsake recording, online obituary pages, professionally edited keepsake videos, and more.

We make streaming easy. With 4Live, we also provide you with the tools you need, with top quality sound so nothing is missed. We have the tools and the professional services you need, in addition to our fast and courteous nationwide support

Book event

Manchester funeral streaming services

Book your event with our team

Schedule your event online with our 4live team. We will contact you to discuss more about your event, screens and live stream platforms.

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Our Team Setup Cameras and Equipment

Our team will work on setting up cameras and equipment needed to showcase and stream your event online to your own personal audience.


Looking for a customizable and high-quality streaming service for your funeral home? Look no further than 4Live! With our easy-to-use platform, you can offer families basic streaming to customised services like custom-designed obituary pages and professionally edited funeral videos.

Give your families the best possible streaming experience with 4Live. Our platform offers high-quality and personalized streaming services, from basic streams to personalized obituary pages and memorial videos

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funeral services coffin video live stream

Capturing every moment

Our professional team of videographers will capture every moment of your event from up to multiple camera angles to make sure everyone is living the moment live. All streams have audio included.

With our streaming service, you have the option to make your stream public or private and choose who can access it.

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Stream it LIVE to LOVED ONES

It operates when you need it, and your friends live the moment with you in real-time. 

With 4Live Streaming, you can make it easier to LiveStream your funeral services, one family at a time. This allows you to offer additional support to the family during their time of need, with a customized live streaming experience for each unique service.


Live stream to loved ones

READY to schedule an event?

Our Team of Professionals of video and technical experts are dedicated to stream your event to your own personal audience outside the venue or at home.

What makes 4Live different?

Everyone has a story. We help you share your story in real-time.

Stream to the Whole World

Stream your event online to a worldwide audience, enabling you to easily connect with your audience on various social media platforms.

Easy Booking Online

Organize your event particulars online, and allow our 4Live professional team handle everything else. We are available to support you throughout the process.

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Screen outside the event venue

We can stream your event to screens located outside the event area, so your loved ones can view it live while maintaining a safe distance.

Broadcast backup

Once we've completed your project, we'll provide you with a replica on a flash drive and upload it to the cloud, making sure that you can retrieve it whenever you need it.

4Live Shoutouts

Check what other 4Live Customers are saying about us

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Jean Whitworth

Having been tasked with finding someone to live stream the funeral of our friend to his children in New Zealand, 4Live were very professional covering the funeral from doorstep to graveside. Feedback from New Zealand was extremely positive all saying quality of streaming and sound excellent. A big thank you to David and Wayne. Would highly recommend.

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Ben Roberts

I have an ongoing relationship with 4Live. They were very responsive and always offered assistance as needed. I would highly recommend their services!

4Live Logo
Sasha Shirley

The live streaming for the event was excellent. The audio and video were very clear.

Excellent service and advice and competitive prices for live streaming my event.

Schedule your event with

After scheduling your event below our team will be in contact
with you to arrange further details.